Initial Logon and Setup
When you receive your device, you will need to be connected to the internet to enrol your device on the cloud system, please do this during the initial setup phase (using Wi-Fi) or connect your device to the network via a cable.
When prompted enter your RGU email address and password
Your PC will then connect to our cloud based system and begin the initial configuration.
Once complete, you will log into your device using your RGU email and Password.
After the initial enrolment your PC will need to download and install the core applications, polices and settings, please be patient as this can take a couple of hours. Rebooting your device is also advisable, particularly during the first couple of days.
Company Portal
Some applications will deploy automatically to your device, others will be available to install in the ‘Company Portal’ The company Portal can be found in the start menu and also as a handy tile.
To install an application, just click on the application you require and click Install
The Device Icon on the left will also show your PC name (in case you are asked to provide it)
If you require an application that is not in the Company portal then please contact the IT Helpdesk [email protected].
Windows Hello
We support the use of camera, PIN and finger print recognition to unlock your device
Go to the Start menu and select Settings
Click Accounts .
You have access to your RGU account linked OneDrive (personal OneDrive’s are blocked so please don’t ask) to store files which can be easily shared across other office 365 platforms.
Microsoft Edge Chromium Browser
When you launch the Edge Chromium internet browser
You may be asked to sync your settings, please do this as it will ensure your settings are saved on the cloud and not on the device.
You can also enable the sync from within the browser
Click ‘Manage profile settings’ then enable the sync, you can also choose which data to sync.
Retrieving your BitLocker Recovery Key
If prompted for your BitLocker Recovery Key on your Intune managed device
Go to -
Click on your Profile icon in the top right and select ‘Profile’
Locate your PC on the list (your Intune laptop will always have ‘Azure Active Directory joined’ next to it)
Then Click Get BitLocker keys
Enter the recovery key into your laptop