Staff or Students that have an RGU-managed device will have the ability to install Nvivo from their respective software portal once a license has been assignedRGU Devices receive critical Operating System & Security updates as soon as they are available. RGU devices are also encrypted meaning that in the event of theft or loss of a device, the data is encrypted and protects the contents of your device from unauthorized access.

  • The updated version of NVivo is now available in the various application portals: Company Portal, Software Center and RGU Apps.


  • There is a delay built in after clicking Install and you may see the Installed message before the update finishing.

  • Please wait until you have seen all the below pop-up messages before opening NVivo.

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A black background with white textDescription automatically generated with low confidence


  • On opening NVivo you will be prompted to sign in:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated with low confidence


A screenshot of a login formDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

  • Log in with your RGU email address and the NVivo portal password you created after receiving your license (you will have received emails from Team NVivo if a license has been assigned).


  • After you have signed in the below message will be seen. Click OK and NVivo will open.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated with medium confidence