As part of your studies, you may be required to submit a recording via Panopto for your assessment. If this is the case, you can either, record your video directly using Panopto, or alternatively, record your video using an alternative device and upload it to the Panopto assignment folder.
This guide explains how to record your video directly in Panopto. A separate guide covers how to upload a video file recorded elsewhere, into a Panopto assignment folder.
When you record a Panopto using the student ‘Assignment Folder’ feature, your recording will be private to yourself and your university tutor(s). By default, your fellow students will not be able to view them.
Note: Before you are able to record to Panopto, your module tutor must have enabled the Assignment Folder feature on the relevant recording folder. To record your video, you will need to complete the steps below:
1. Sign In to the Panopto website
2. Download Panopto Software
3. Record your Presentation
4. Post Video URL to Campusmoodle Drop-Box
1. Sign in to the Panopto website
As a viewer with assignment folder privileges, you may log in to the RGU Panopto server and download the recorder.
Navigate to If you are not already signed into Campusmoodle, you will be prompted to enter your RGU username and password. Once signed in, you are presented with the RGU Panopto homepage.
Note: To upload and build videos directly from an iOS or Android device, download the free Panopto app. This is available within the Apple and Google Play app stores. When signing into the Panopto app, you will need to enter the RGU Panopto address. The address is and again you will be prompted to enter your RGU username and password.
2. Download the Panopto Software
Once logged into the Panopto website you can locate the link to download the Panopto recorder from the top right of the page underneath your name.
Download and install the Panotpo Recorder. The default settings should include the web server of
3. Record Your Presentation
Login to the Panopto Recorder and ‘Select Record a New Session’.
Click on the arrow button on the right of the “Folder” drop-down to select the folder where you wish to record. The easiest way is to type the module number e.g. CB3115, you will see and be able to select the associated [assignments] folder under your choices.
Once you have found the correct folder, click on the large red Record button to begin recording your session. It will automatically record any Powerpoint presentation you have open. It can also capture your screen (if you wish to use Prezi for example). It will use your webcam and microphone to record your voice and image.
After recording, you can verify that the session has been recorded by logging in to and clicking on your assignment folder. Remember that you will only be able to edit and delete submissions that you have uploaded to the server.
5. Rename your video and Share
Once you have recorded your presentation to Panopto and it has finished processing you should review it to ensure you are happy with the upload. You can view your submission by clicking on it.
If you are happy with the upload now would also be a good time to rename your submission. Including at least your name and student ID in the title would be useful, and adding a meaningful description will aid tutors in identifying your work.
First select the ‘settings’ gear icon. From the resultant page you can adjust the name and description of your uploaded video. All of the other default settings should be left as they are. Finally, once you are happy with your name and description, we can locate the link which you might need to share with your tutor via a Moodle dropbox, or email, whatever has been directed by your tutor.
By selecting ‘Share’ from the options on the left, you will be taken to a tab which contains a copy of the link to your video. By default this link is only visible to yourself and any tutors on your course. You can copy this link and share as needed.